ACOs Focus on Malpractice Liability Risk
Medical malpractice insurance is the costliest and most challenging necessity for healthcare providers. Larger medical practices may self-insure to save costs, but this type of insurance plan can falter. Insurance plans are dependent on their financial strength and risk management experience. Many top insurers cover medical groups with financial strength, expert risk/claim management, and all for a relatively low premium cost. It is important for medical groups to focus on patient care rather than managing their insurance options – or trying to do both.
Medical Malpractice Lawsuits – Why is everyone sued even when a healthcare provider had only minimal contact with the patient?
- In the event of a claim loss, plaintiff attorneys are obligated to pursue every potential negligent defendant. ACOs are collaborative patient care models that can expose many healthcare providers to lawsuits.
- When ACO providers are represented by different insurers, then the providers may oppose each other and complicate the lawsuit.
- Choosing an experienced and top-rated malpractice insurer is key for medical groups to prevail within these challenging legal battles.
Claim Losses – Does the medical group (ACO) or individual healthcare provider control the choice to defend or settle a lawsuit?
- The insurance claim history will follow each individual healthcare provider no matter if they are a solo practitioner or part of a larger group. Physicians are rightly concerned to be named in a lawsuit where they provided only minor consultation or care to a patient.
- Sharing a common insurance company defense is the best solution for the ACO model to patient care. This helps a minimally involved physician to be protected from a “deep pocket” claim scenario.
- Claim losses can damage a physician’s future insurability and may increase their insurance premium costs long into the future.
Top Malpractice Insurers – How can I best protect myself against an unfortunate claim or lawsuit?
- An independent agency having access to the top insurers can provide the best insurance solution to meet the group’s needs. There is not any direct fee for the healthcare provider to consult with an expert independent agent.
- The malpractice insurance company provides professional risk management and expert claim specialists at no extra charge to the healthcare provider.
- Medical groups (ACOs) can develop a top-notch insurance program to achieve premium savings and help them to recruit and retain healthcare members.
Aviso Insurance is an independent agency that works for healthcare providers and medical organizations. We have access to nearly all the medical malpractice insurance markets to serve you. Subscribe To Our Newsletter
“At Aviso Insurance, we are proud to serve the many heroic professionals in our healthcare community.”
Dan Reale, Independent Agent/Owner – Office: (407) 808-6149 – E-Mail: [email protected]